Hello, My name is Aiden Fry.

I am a recent graduate at Leeds metropolitan university where I studied Sound and Music for Interactive Games (MSC) under Richard Stevens.

I am using this blog to present some of my portfolio work.

Thanks for looking, any questions don't hesitate to ask.


Monday 14 February 2011

Welcome to my Neighbourhood: Download

Follow this link to download my 1st game: Welcome to my Neighbourhood.


Welcome to my neighbourhood is a re-imagining of the 1993 game Zombies ate my Neighbourhood by Konami. None of the graphics in WTMN are original.

Take control of Zeke and explore an erie level full of zombies, find Subject zero and engage it in a battle to the death.

Notes. This game only works on Mac, but no extra software is needed. If you don't have a mac, download it onto your external hard drive (the game is roughly 700mb) and then play it on a mac if you have access.

I am a Game audio designer & Composer, the focus of this game is on these aspects.

I am hoping to take this game further, with a better story line, multiple levels, some original graphics and better gameplay. First on my list is to create an intro video, if anyone is an animator/artist and is interested in getting involved please get in touch.

This game was created on Max/Msp/Jitter.

Cheers for playing.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Sound design for God Of War 3

This was some sound design i did for my course at university.
I created all sound design for a linear piece of gameplay video, from the game God Of War 3.
I did NOT implement these sounds within the game engine, as that was not part of the brief.
Saying that though i have used many Games audio techniques such as non-repetitive design, localisation, informative sounds, ambience etc. have been implemented.

This is a shorter, more abstract piece of sound design that i completed using some more "experimental" sound design ideas. I used software such as, MacPod, s.p.e.a.r., Paulstretch and Fscape to create some of the more abstract textures.
The video is an old advert for SkyHD.